U18 Girls Silver - Player Invite (2024)

Player/ Athlete Details

Parent/ Guardian Details


2024 Player Commitment Questionnaire

Before accepting the invitation to join a Representative Team, please consider the commitment requirements carefully. As a representative team player you are required to be available for both the SQJBC season (including Grading and Playoffs) AND State Championships. To prepare for these competitions, the Brisbane Rep Teams practice twice per week at venues central to the Brisbane Metropolitan area (within a 15km radius). To assist with player workloads, there are scheduled rest periods for family holiday planning and player recovery.

By Accepting this Invitation, you acknowledge and agree to be available and committed to both the SQJBC season (including Grading and Playoffs) AND the State Championships.

At any time during the course of the season you become unable to meet the agreed team commitment requirements (due to a significant injury or change in family circumstances),you acknowledge and agree that your position in the team may be forfeit as per Section 10 of the Team Selection Policy.

2024 Medical History and Authorisation

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT ATHLETES HAVE PRIVATE MEDICAL COVER Please take the time to carefully complete the following medical history and authorisation form. Please do not leave any questions BLANK, if the question is not relevant simple put N/A.

2024 Permission to Publish

This gives Brisbane Basketball Incorporated (BBI) permission to reproduce photographs, sounds, or video images of players taken during their basketball activities for the purposes associated with the promotion of BBI. Permission is also granted to name the player and to publish information about their achievements or activities. Signing the final page of this booklet does not mean that players lose ownership rights over their photographs, sounds, or video images. It does however give permission for BBI to use their photographs, sounds, and/or video images for the purposes mentioned.

1. BBI may record photographs, sounds and/or video images of me while I am taking part in the Association’s activities.

2. BBI may publish information about my achievements.

3. BBI understands that I own the intellectual property rights in my photographs, sounds, video images, and that this Permission Form is not meant to transfer my ownership.

4. I give permission to BBI to use my photographs, sounds, video images, news of achievement and/or my name for publications to promote the Association.

5. This consent remains valid until withdrawn by me, in writing and directed to The Secretary, BBI.

6. I understand that by giving this permission, BBI can use my photograph, sounds, video images, or news of achievement in any way it chooses, for the purposes described above. BBI may reproduce the information in any form, in whole or in part, and distribute it by any medium including the Internet, CD-Rom, or other multi-media and social media uses.

7. I understand that the player named and the person providing this permission will not be paid by BBI for giving this permission or use as referred to above (for the purpose of this permission form, ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘my’ is a reference to the player named).

8. I understand that without the prior consent of BBI I am not to publish or make statements within the realm of social media (e.g. Facebook & Twitter), about BBI, its staff, members, coaches, assistant coaches and managers. Nor am I allowed to publish information pertaining to other players in the representation of Brisbane Basketball Incorporated as part of the Brisbane Capitals program.

I, my child, hereby agree to abide by the Permission to Publish terms and conditions set down by BBI for the representative player.

2024 Player and Parent/Guardian Conditions and Responsibilities

Please select AGREE to each of the following Conditions and Responsibilities.

Representative Fees and Conditions

• All fees must be paid in full accordance with invoices issued by Brisbane Basketball by the designated date

• All players selected are expected to attend State Championships. Additional costs will be incurred for travel and accommodation if Championships are not held within the Brisbane area.

• In the event of financial difficulty an alternative payment schedule must be arranged with BBI General Manager prior to th due date of the first payment. These matters will be handled confidentially.

• If a player withdraws from the Brisbane Basketball Junior Representative program for any reason there will be no refund or reduction of representative fees. Players will still be required to meet the financial commitment agreed to by the signing of this document.

• The only refund that may apply is game fees paid in advance and this is at the discretion of the coach and manager and would usually only apply if a player was being replaced, this could also come into play if a player suffered a season ending injury.

Game Day Responsibilities

All players are expected to participate in games as part of the competitions listed above.

• In the event of unavailability for game players/parents must give Coaches/Managers at least 24 hours notification of absence and reason.

• If a player is unable to play he/she will be expected to attend the game unless physically unable to.

Players must arrive at games a minimum of 30 minutes (or as directed by Head Coach) prior to scheduled start time for:

• Pre-game meeting / discussion

• Perform appropriate warm-up / stretching sequences as outlined by coach

• Support other Capitals Representative teams competing

Players may be required to remain after the game (15-20 mins) to perform the following:

• Attend post-game meeting / discussion

• Perform appropriate cool-down/recovery/stretching sequence as outlined by coach

• Player’s are required to be appropriately attired in Capitals full uniform when attending games including shorts, Capitals Warm-up top and appropriate footwear i.e. sneakers or masseuse (not thongs).

• Player’s actions (physical/verbal) during games must reflect the highest standard and in no way tarnish the reputation of the Junior Capitals Representative Program at all times.

Training Responsibilities

• All players must attend scheduled trainings as advised by the Coach

• In the event of unavailability for training, players/parents must give Coaches/Managers at least 24hours notification of absence and reason.

• If a player is unable to train he/she will be expected to attend unless physically unable to.

• Players must attend trainings a minimum of 15 minutes prior to scheduled time for:

o Pre-training meeting / discussion

o Perform appropriate warm-up / stretching sequences as outlined by coach

• Players are required to remain after training (15-20 mins) to perform the following:

o Attend post-training meeting / discussion

o Perform appropriate cool-down/recovery/stretching sequence as outlined by coach

• Players are required to be appropriately attired in Junior Capitals training uniform when in the stadium including shorts, Capitals reversible singlet, Capitals shorts and appropriate footwear i.e. sneakers or masseuse (no thongs).

• Players actions (physical/verbal) during trainings must reflect the highest standard and in no way tarnish the reputation of the Junior Capitals Representative Program at all times

Reminder of Eligibility Conditions and Responsibilities

All players in the Junior Capitals Representative Program must

• Be registered and financial members of Brisbane Basketball & an affiliated club or team

• Have played at least 50% of games in the BBJBC Championship Season

• An exemption can be granted to a player not from Brisbane Basketball Association due to special circumstances and this will be assessed by the BBI General Manager. If an exemption is granted than this player must immediately join a BBI Club

If players are transferring from another Association to Brisbane Basketball they must complete all requirements in obtaining official permission to train and subsequent clearance from their previous Association as required by Basketball Queensland.

Player and Parent/Guardian Behaviour Responsibilities

All players and parents/guardians must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner on and off the court whilst representing Brisbane Basketball:

• Players and parents/guardians must abide by the directions and requests of the Junior Capitals Coaching Staff, Performance Manager, General Manager and Brisbane Basketball Management Committee

• Players and parents/guardians must at all times maintain positive support (demonstrated through actions and comments) towards the Capitals Representative Program and all persons involved including Players, Coaching Staff, Team Managers, Performance Manager, General Manager and Brisbane Basketball Management Committee

• In the event of a dispute/disagreement views must be communicated in writing to the below email and addressed to the Performance Program and Pathway Manager:

 performancemgr@brisbanebasketball.com.au

Negative comments/actions will not be tolerated by the Junior Capitals Representative Program if the appropriate channels are not utilized for the purpose of expressing views.

I also accept that in the event of these requirements not being met, appropriate actions may be taken by the BBI (or authorised person/s designated by the Committee).

I, (my child) hereby agree to abide by the Player and Parent/Guardian conditions and responsibilities, including Code of Conduct/Permission To Publish set down by BBI for representative players.

2024 Player and Parent/Guardian Release (Sign-off)

Responsibilities and expectations of players and parents have been clearly articulated. Signing of the document indicates your acceptance of all responsibilities and conditions placed upon you as a representative of Brisbane Basketball.

Failure to adhere to the standards set out in this document may result in the following penalties being applied:

- Reprimand

- Penalty (including financial)

- Demotion (in the event of a second team in the age bracket)

- Suspension of player (no refund of paid fees)

Parents/players will be advised of the Grievance Process should any of the above penalties become necessary. As a final point concerning team selection, please note that circumstances may arise where a player(s) may be moved between teams, ie from Gold to Silver for example.

Player Signature

In consideration of the acceptance of this Application for registration, I, intending to be legally bound, hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Brisbane Basketball Incorporated, its representatives and/or assignee's for any and all damages which may be sustained and suffered by me in connection with any association with the Representative Program, and which may arise out of my travelling to, participating in, or returning from the Representative Program.

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Parent/Guardian Signature 

I, the undersigned, being the lawful guardian of the above named Applicant do now and on behalf of the said Applicant, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages the said Applicant may have against Brisbane Basketball Incorporated, or its representatives and assignee's, for any and all damages which may arise out of his/her travelling to, participating in, or returning from, the Representative Program.

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BBI has a No-Pay No-Play Policy for Representative Participation with Brisbane Capitals.

2024/25 Representative Fees are $1,150.00 details of which are outlined in your Player Invite Letter. This fee includes the Deposit Payment of $350.00 (payable below).

Payment of the remaining $800.00 will be required at registration for the team through the Basketball Connect platform. This may also include an additional State Championship bond amount for teams traveling and accommodating together (i.e. U18 - Gold Coast).

Reminder: BBI has a No-Pay No-Play Policy with regards to Representative Fees.

To finalise acceptance of the Player Invite, please make your Deposit Payment of $350.00 now.

Refund Policy: There are no refunds for any enrolment into Brisbane Capitals related programs. By registering and/or attending official Brisbane Capitals represenative program events (practice/pre-season games/BQ competitions) you accept BBI's refund policy for withdrawal from a team. BBI reserves the right to assess individual requests made in writing for a refund on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances (incl. Medical, Legal, family relocation).

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